Talks & Visits



     Occupied SDEs and Volatility Modeling

     Capturing Path Dependence in Finance with Occupation Times

     Occupied Processes: Going with the Flow

Occupied Processes: Going with the Flow

Occupied Processes: Going with the Flow


     Itô Calculus for Occupied Processes: Going with the Flow

     Breaking down the Functionals: Taylor Expansion and Partitions of Unity

Stopping Spot Local Time: A Random Occupation

Stopping times of boundaries: relaxation, continuity, and neural approximation

Valuation of Floating American Corridor Variance Swaps

Projection of Functionals and Fast Pricing of Exotic Options

Path Dependence in Finance: Theory and Computations

Functional Taylor Expansion and Wiener Chaos  

Functional Expansions, Signature, and Claim Decomposition


Functional Expansions, Signature, and Claim Decomposition

Neural Optimal Stopping Boundary

Functional Expansions, Signature, and Claim Decomposition

Neural Optimal Stopping Boundary

Neural Optimal Stopping Boundary  

Disentangling the Chaos: the Functional Taylor Expansion 


     High-dimensional Free Boundary Problems

     Path Approximation using Signatures and Hilbert Projections

Optimal Stopping in Continuous Time

Demystifying the Path Signature (lightning talk)

Slides / Posters

UCSB Slides 2024.pdf
UCLA Slides 2023.pdf
CIRM 2023 VTD.pdf
V. T.-D. ETH Talks 2022.pdf
V. T.-D. CFMAR 2022.pdf
Slides RiO 2022 Lightning Talk.pdf


Host: Prof. Jianfeng Zhang.

Host: Prof.  Josef Teichmann.